Social Media Who, What, When, Where, Why and How

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Who, What, When, Where, Why and How

Are you establishing a new company or thinking of increasing your social media awareness? If so, you may wonder how to identify an online community for your business. Check out these facts and tips for creating a social media presence for your brand and how you can increase your online awareness to your target audience.

Who Are You and What Do You Want To Build?

The first elephant to tackle in the room is the question of who you are as a company. Define what your brand is and how you would like to present that image to the public eye. Simply because you are “suit and tie” company doesn’t mean you cannot have fun with your social media accounts. On the other hand, that doesn’t mean to go all Ridiculousness with your marketing campaign either.

Establish and Maintain Your Business Goals.

As you sit down as the knights/princesses of the roundtable, write out definitive goals. Make sure everyone is on the same page with where you are going with your company brand via each social media account. Be sure to tie them all together in one fashion or the other and map out your progress during quarterly marketing meetings.

Establish A Plan Of Attack.

Once you have all the grunt work accomplished, it is time to create your strategic plan of attack. Here are a few things to think about:

  • How often do we publish content?
  • Where do we publish?
  • How do we connect our accounts?

Once you have decided as a team your projected social media goals and return on investment, look at what statistics show us about the average social media account holder across Facebook, Twitter and YouTube alone.

Social Media By The Numbers

Although statisticians provide great insight to what each social media platform is providing on an average, don’t just focus on those numbers. Focus on your numbers established from your goals. Trying to compare your company to the industry average may not be the best thing for your marketing teams emotional state. When you begin to question your goals, you tend to change your mission and go off on several different tangents.

  • Each Facebook account has an average of 190 friends.
  • Each Twitter account has an average of 126 followers.
  • Each YouTube video has on average 140 views/person.

A Quick Statistical Equation
I know right, who doesn’t like math. Here is a quick example of how effective social media “can” be. If you are considered an average social media account holder and have 40 of your closest networking friends help promote 1 message, here is a breakdown of what you could potentially receive from it:

  • Facebook Reach: 7,600 people
  • Twitter Reach: 5,040 people
  • YouTube Reach: 5,600 people
  • Total Reach: 18,240

Taking into account a 10% conversion rate with an average sale of $100, you could potentially gross nearly $200K in revenue. This number could either be great or terrible depending on what you expected to receive from your return on investment so be sure to keep YOUR goals in mind and not the industry average…

You may have established accounts already on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, YouTube or another social media account and still have trouble with what you should promote concerning your brand. If you are having problems in either circumstance, give us a call or send an e-mail today!

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